
Merry Christmas! from Synergy Media

Chip of <Me and My Robot> wants to say a word to you in this Christmas!
"Thank you!"


Synergy Media YouTube Channel

No more awkward DVD screeners to carry around!

We launched a YouTube channel which you can access to view all the programs of Synergy Media.

It's one long name for a URL, but the millions of users on this best video platform just have snatched most of the names regarding Synergy Media.

There are 3 playlists to access - Synergy Animation Studio, Synergy Distribution and Synergy Previous Works.

In Synergy Animation Studio, you will find our original works and production titles.

In Synergy Distribution, you will find the trailers and sample episodes of all the titles we are distributing and producing.

In Synergy Previous Works, you will find the great animation works our team has done so far including <Vicky & Johnny>, <Oscar's Oasis> and <Larva>.

So, enjoy your journey through this bunch of great clips!

See you, friends and partners!


Happy Hangawi !

Dear friends and partners,

We are celebrating Hangawi(also called Chuseok, 추석) which is a harvest festival of Korea on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar which in short September 30th, 2012!

Happy Hangawi! (Chip from <Me and My Robot>)

The robot kid posing in the card above is Chip from our TV series <Me and My Robot>. Be sure to remeber this guy when you watch him on TV in early 2013.

Thank you and we wish you a happy Hangawi!

With love,

Synergy Media Group

P.S. You should wish something to the Full Moon when it is risen to the dark and clear autumn sky on Sunday night.


Me and My Robot - "A Lesson Learnt"


 Eugene's first line : "Are you guys ready for today's test?"

from the episode "A Lesson Learnt" of <Me and My Robot>